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Structure and Function of the Human Brain

Author Information

  • Name: Ece Bayram
  • Position and Institution: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California San Diego
  • Contact:
  • Available for contact for questions and classroom visits: Yes
  • Year contributed: 2020


  • Grade Level: K-5
  • Science Domain: Life Sciences
  • PE Code: 4-LS1-1


Brain is a three-pound organ in charge of all functions of the body, including interpreting information from the outside world through our senses, governing our thoughts, creativity, emotion, memory, speech, and the movements of our body. However, there are a lot of common misconceptions about the organ, oftentimes aggravated by poor science reporting and inaccurate depictions in popular culture. Educating students from an early age about the basics of the structure and function can help in dispelling such beliefs. This lesson about brain anatomy has been structured to provide an introductory level of understanding about the brain. Using brain sketches, the students will be introduced to the major structures in the brain (i.e., cortical lobes) and their functions. A real-life example, Phineas Gage, who survived a frontal lobe injury, will be discussed to apply what they learned about the functions of the cortical lobes.


  • brain
  • anatomy
  • hemisphere
  • brain lobes


sandiego/structure_and_function_of_the_human_brain.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/27 14:01 (external edit)