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Lifecycle of a Chicken

Author Information

  • Name: Marie Bosch
  • Position and Institution: PhD Students, UGA College of Veterinary Medicine & College of Public Health
  • Contact:
  • Year contributed: 2019


  • Grade Level: 2
  • Georgia Standards of Excellence: S2L1


The goal of this lesson plan is to teach a basic life cycle of the chicken alongside understanding how this correlates to a human life cycle as well. How any given animal has similar bone structures or analogs and the nourishment/care needed to raise a life. This will also teach the complexity of life and species survival (any given clutch of eggs will not produce a live embryo in every egg). This is a tactile, colorful, and intriguing lesson plan involving an incubator and the tools/will power to candle the eggs for active learning through 21 days.


  • lifecycle
  • egg
  • cell
  • nourishment
  • complexity
  • active learning


georgia/lifecycle_of_a_chicken.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/08 14:40 by georgia