* Name: Jillian Maxcy-Brown, Mostafa Dadashi Firouzjaei; Emily A. Elliott
* Position: Jillian and Mostafa are graduate students at The University of Alabama in Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Elliott is a Research Scientist/Instructor with The University of Alabama, Departments of Geography and Geological Sciences
* Contact: jmaxcybrown [at] crimson.ua.edu, mdfirouzjaei [at] crimson.ua.edu, emily.elliott [at] ua.edu
* http://jmaxcybrown.wordpress.com
* http://mostafa-firouzjaei.com
* Year contributed: 2021
Teaching water quality and water treatment
* Show students how different separation processes remove particles/pollutants from water, ultimately helping to understand how we clean our water
* Students will use various filters to remove different size particles from water samples
* Students will learn about filters used in their everyday life and how these filters protect human and environmental health