* Name: Marieh Arekhi
* Position: PhD Candidate, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
* Contact: marekhi [at] crimson.ua.edu
* https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marieh-Arekhi
* Name: Kubra Kinali
* Position: Master’s student, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
* Contact: kkinali [at] crimson.ua.edu
* Year contributed: 2021
This lesson will start with a brief discussion about oil spill pollutions between students in groups. They might already have heard or seen real-life oil spill examples all around the world. Students will discuss the short and long-term impacts of an oil spill on the environment. Then, students will be provided with an article related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and they will see the pictures of the scene of the accident. To understand the short and long-term effects, they will watch a brief video from experts. The teacher will show pictures of oil spill residues named “tar-balls” and will explain how tar-balls form on beaches even after years of oil spills, their physical and chemical structures, and how tough is the removal of the tar-balls from beaches.